Fine Turgrass Management

Fine Turgrass Management

Steve Cook, CGCS, MG - Director of Agronomy

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cart Access

Legitimate questions have been asked about cart access after rain events. We are responsible for making the decision regarding carts, so let me explain the process:

Member access is the ultimate goal. We try to err on the side of allowing carts, even when it's too wet. We're in the service industry, so servicing members is our role. The sole question we ask ourselves is: will the members who play tomorrow, be proud of the golf course?

Financial considerations do not factor in. Nor whose name is on the tee sheet, nor the day of the week. Usually, when there are no carts on the South, carts are allowed on the North so the members have someplace to ride. All outside events get the same consideration. We have canceled two outside events this year due to wet course conditions.

Rain events in the summer are different from the fall. In summer, long days, high temperatures and actively growing grass remove water quickly. We routinely allow carts the day following a 1" rain in the summer.

Rain events in the fall occur with less daylength, cooler temperatures and turf that cannot "drink up" the excess water because it is not growing. One tenth of an inch of precipitation in the fall under these conditions is enough to cause wet conditions.

May 1st - September 30th:

Total precip: 20.87"
Avg for this period: 16.50"
No carts North Course: 5 days
No carts South Course: 20 days
5 total days where members had no access to golf with a cart

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