Fine Turgrass Management

Fine Turgrass Management

Steve Cook, CGCS, MG - Director of Agronomy

Tree Maintenance Principles

Oakland Hills CC Tree Maintenance Principles taken from The Golf Course Standards

1. Trees shall not be planted or maintained in close proximity to greens and tees where their foliage at maturity will prevent sufficient sunlight exposure and air circulation for optimal turf growth. No tree shall be planted closer than 65 feet from any green or tee or as otherwise determined appropriate by the golf course superintendent, golf course architect or arborist.

2. The planting locations for new trees should be determined by a Master Tree Planting Plan and with input from the Golf Course Architect, Superintendent and Golf Professional.

2a. Trees shall not be planted or maintained in areas where their branches at maturity will block the normal advancement of the ball toward a green from a fairway bunker.

2b. Trees shall not be planted or maintained in close proximity to fairway corridors where their limbs at maturity will unduly interfere with the normal advancement of the ball toward a green.

2c. Trees shall not be planted in high traffic areas.

3. The planting of new trees shall favor deciduous hardwood species native to Southeast Michigan that resist storm damage and require infrequent structural pruning. This list is enclosed and shall be subject to input from the club’s arborist.

3a. Dead trees and large limbs shall be removed as necessary to safeguard golfers during normal play of the course and preserve the health of valued trees.

4. The planting of small, ornamental trees shall be limited to areas where their trunks can be effectively protected from the physical abuse of normal maintenance and golfing activities.

5. The annual golf course maintenance budget shall include specific funding for pertinent tree maintenance.