1. When someone steps on your tail, be quick to forgive.

Rule #2. Be enthusiastic.
Rule #4. Create a sense of joy everywhere you go.
Rule #5. Be a puppy as long as you can.
Rule #6. Find time for quiet meditation.
Rule #7. Don't lie down on the job.
Rule #8. Know where you're headed.
Rule #10. Walk softly, live gently.

Rule #15. Let someone scratch your ears.
Rule #16. Let the world be your research center.
Rule #11. Take the dog for a swim.
Rule #13. Be curious.
Rule #14. Choose your thoughts carefully.
Rule #15. Let someone scratch your ears.
Rule #16. Let the world be your research center.
Rule #17. Make time for friends.
Rule #18. Let someone else take their turn.
Rule #19. It's all a game ... so play well with others.
Rule #20. Bring someone you love an unexpected gift.
Rule #21. Never forget your roots.
Rule #22. Share
Rule #23. Give sleep the attention it deserves.
Rule #24. Be a friend who can be counted on.
Rule #25. Your behavior while no one is watching reveals your true character.
Rule #26 Wishing something were true does not make it so. Hard work and perserverance usually do.
Rule #27. Regard your life as an extended working vacation.
Rule #28. Opportunities lie in front of you ... not behind.
Rule #29. Believe in something greater than yourself.
Rule #30. The more you think of others, the happier you are.
Rule #31. Avoid looking backward.
Rule #32. Be slow to speak and swift to hear.
Rule #33. Don't make people wait for you.
Rule #34. View challenges as opportunities, not problems.
Rule #35. Two heads are better than one.
Rule #36. Kick up your heels once in a while.
Rule #37. Be careful what you're looking for ... you might just find it.
Rule #38. Be ready for action.
Rule #39. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Rule #40. Just be yourself.
Rule #41. Walk with a bounce in your step.
Rule #42. Be calm in rough waters.
Rule #43. Say "Nice doggie!"

Rule #44. Grow old gracefully.

Rule #45. Get a better idea, not a bigger hammer.

Rule #46. Look to a higher calling.
Rule #47. If you want something, get off your butt and go get it.
Rule #49. When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
Rule #50. Tell the truth.
Rule #51. If it feels good and doesn't break the Ten Commandments, do it.
Rule #52. Eat from the four basic food groups.
Rule #53. Be prepared.

Rule #54. Celebrate the mysteries of life.
Rule #55. Shake off criticism.
Rule #56. Keep at it after others have given up.

Rule #57. Leave the world a bit better.

Rule #58. Watch for opportunities.
Rule #59. Make children smile.

Rule #60. Be inconspicuous.

Rule #61. Stay focused.

Rule #62. Life is short, stay awake for it.

Rule #63. Don't bark up the wrong tree.

Rule #64. Give solace to others.

Rule #65. Keep your head in the game.

Rule #66. Take a meditation class.
Rule #67 Don't let go of a good idea.
Rule #68. Be a good listener.
Rule #69. Listen to the teacher.
Rule #70. Rest in the present.
Rule #71. See the world as a happy place.
Rule #72. Cheer someone on.
Rule #74. Don't get lost in the crowd.

Rule #75. Help a child overcome shyness.

Rule #76. Spend some time listening to yourself.
#77. Don't overdo it.